I was pleasantly surprised by this app. It was able to tell me my face and eye shape, which is nice. Its worth a download just to mess around with it. #contest
I was pleasantly surprised by this app. It was able to tell me my face and eye shape, which is nice. Its worth a download just to mess around with it. #contest
The app is pretty cool to play around with but it doesnt work too well with bad lighting and some of the colors look scary on your face. I wonder if the actual product will look like that if you were to really wear it. #contest #influenseter
Cool concept, but a little bit similar to Beauty365 apps. Cover girl is awesome for launching this app for others though - would like to see how it compares to Sephora virtual makeovers. :)
This app is good for trying out a new styles and the scan is cool but the camera was really blurry for me. #contest
Eh, Ive tried other makeup simulation apps that are pretty neat - none that were really worth the data space on my phone, but mentally I have some to compare to. This was a sad knockoff of other makeup sim apps thatve shown some success. Only has three looks, and while you can customize them its minimal/barely customizable. Overall not worth the space on your phone. Found this from influenster #contest btw.
At first it seemed like it would be high quality, but the demo over your face ends up looking so exaggerated its not useful #contest
Graphics are decent, but overall it doesnt seem realistic enough to help anyone make purchasing decisions. Also has limited products to "try on". Would probably be fun for kids to play around with, honestly. #contest
Love this app! You can choose all kinds of different makeup to "try on". It works like snapchat filters. I could play around on it for hours!! So fun!
#contest It would be better if this app could be updated and the face scanner and what not. I wish there was a way to compare thing like color and finish more closely! Great idea, just needs some updates!
This app ran kind of clunky for me but I like the idea. Will play around with it more. #contest
Great idea! Instead of walking in the store and having no idea where to start, this app points you in the right direction! I totally agree with the suggestions #contest
I was asked to try this app and it is really cool! I wasnt sure what to expect. They scanned my face (you need good light and no glasses on for this), and matches my skin and features perfectly. After this they asked me what kind of foundation I use and matched me with a few looks I could "try on" using my camera. Really liked it!
I found out about the app from my Influenster app and I actually really liked it. I liked how you were able to try on all of the different looks on your actual face right then and there. I would definitely recommend it to friends and family that do not know what colors or shades to get. Especially since you cant always try on the make up at the store before you buy it. #contest
I really enjoy this app! I was introduced to it through the Influenster app. I like that its easy to try in different looks before actually committing to one. Because there are no testers at the drugstore, it can sometimes be difficult to choose s product. This shows you how it would look! I have to say, sometimes the app is not very accurate. Its a computer so thats what I was kind off expecting. Overall, I highly recommend this app. Its free, helpful, and very easy to use. #contest
Its definitely a fun app that you can play around with. My only complaint is not being able to cancel that makeup you put on yourself. Other than that I would recommend it to others to try it out! #contest
I tested out this app for influenster and found it to be helpful. It recommends products that would work well with your skin tone and style and lets you"try" looks on. I would appreciate if there could be more looks to try on,but other than that I liked the app.
#contest I found this app from Influenster. I find it very useful because I can see what makeup is out there and how to use it. Also it helps me see different looks before I buy the makeup. Its not perfect but its fun.
This app is so much fun! Its fun to view products and shades and even try them on! My personally favorite feature is trying on different lipstick shades. I might just have to go buy a few! Warning: app may be dangerous for your spending habits. NEED. EVERY. SHADE.
Really enjoyed this app! Neat way to try Covergirl products! #contest
#contest. Downloaded the app at the recommendation of influenster. I like the idea of this... But I cant get the looks to fit exactly on my face, so they look a little strange. I will absolute admit this could be user error... So I will keep trying!